
Public offer

This document (hereinafter – Agreement) is an official public offer of the 'Cryptology School' information platform (hereinafter – the Platform) to conclude an Agreement on the terms set out below.

This Agreement defines the range of obligations that arise for the User when using our platform, as well as confirms Your agreement with the general ideas and principles of the platform’s operation set out in the Agreement and the Privacy Policy.

1. Definitions

1.1. The following terms and definitions are used in the Agreement:

1.1.1. “Information materials” — paid and free video and audio recordings, courses, articles, conclusions, ideas, assumptions, thoughts, evaluative judgments, theories of authors posted on the platform, as well as any thoughts and statements made by authors during calls, communications, conferences, webinars, seminars, and other events provided to the User using the platform in any form, and granting access to them is a service offered by the platform to its users.

1.1.2. “General conditions” — all provisions of the public offer set out in this Agreement.

1.1.3. “Platform” — the service provided via the website, which involves using the platform to familiarize users with licensed content, namely informational materials that may be entertaining or educational in nature, depending on how a particular user perceives specific materials, as well as additional information posted by authors on the platform, which is solely the evaluative judgments of the authors and their assumptions on certain topics.

1.1.4. “User/You” — you, meaning an able-bodied individual or a legal entity represented by an authorized representative, who voluntarily joined this Agreement.

1.1.5. “Identification procedure” — the process of transferring the necessary information by the User by filling in the appropriate fields during the registration of the user’s account or in the process of using the platform.

1.1.6. “Agreement” — this Agreement with all additions and changes made in the manner provided for by the Agreement.

1.1.7. “Special conditions” — additional conditions to this Agreement addressed to a specific User, regarding the personification and specification of civil law relations arising as a result of the conclusion of this Agreement, which are contained in the description of paid/ additional services and products (paid informational materials) or are sent to the User at the provided email or another chosen communication method.

1.1.8. “Terms” — the set of general and special conditions that together form this Agreement.

1.1.9. “Account” — a profile specially configured for You, taking into account individual needs, with all relevant data and other necessary information provided by You.

2. Introduction

2.1. The Agreement is concluded between You – the User and us – the Platform. On behalf of the platform, an individual entrepreneur Kurban-Magomedov Allan Muradovich and Voloshina Myroslava Andriivna act.

2.2. The Agreement defines the conditions for the provision and use of products and services offered on the ‘Cryptology School’ website, as well as the conditions for the provision and use of licensed content (services).

2.3. Unless another written agreement or contract is concluded with the User, the contract with the platform will always include the general terms.

2.4. In addition to the general terms set out in this Agreement, your contract with the Platform also includes the terms published directly on the page describing the content (service) or sent to you in special conditions.

2.5. The general terms set out in the Agreement and the special conditions form a legally binding public offer contract.

3. Subject of the Agreement

3.1. This Agreement establishes the rules for using the platform and obligations for You, and also confirms your acceptance of the Agreement and the Privacy Policy in the manner provided for in this Agreement, during your use of the platform.

3.2. By using the platform via the website (and all subdomains) and purchasing the services offered by the platform, you accept the offer and enter into a public offer contract with us, which is binding.

3.3. The Agreement is deemed accepted by the User in full and without exceptions from the moment they start using the platform / from the moment the Agreement is accepted on the website by performing an action indicating acceptance of the Agreement (clicking the button (checking the box) ‘I have read and accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy’) on the order page on the website (and all subdomains) / from the moment the User registers an account on the platform.

3.4. If the User disagrees with the Agreement or the Privacy Policy, you cannot use the platform.

3.5. If changes are made to the Agreement or Privacy Policy with which you do not agree, you must immediately stop using the platform.

3.6. If you use the platform / continue to use the platform despite disagreement with the Agreement, the Agreement is deemed accepted by taking conclusive actions that indicate acceptance of the Agreement and Privacy Policy.

3.7. Within the time and under the conditions provided for by the Agreement, the platform provides the opportunity to access the information posted on the website (and all subdomains), and you, within the time and under the conditions of the Agreement, use the information posted on the website

3.8. Any person who accepts the terms and uses the platform in accordance with this Agreement may be a User of the platform.

3.9. Only a person who has acquired full civil capacity under the Civil Code of Ukraine can gain access to paid content.

3.10. If the Agreement is concluded on behalf of an organization, the organization’s representative must have the necessary amount of authority and provide it to us before starting to use the platform.

3.11. For clarification of the procedure for confirming the authority of a representative of a legal entity, please contact the support service for appropriate clarifications.

4. General provisions

4.1. By using the platform, you confirm that:

4.1.1. You have read the terms of the Agreement in full before starting to use the platform.

4.1.2. By starting to use the platform and its services in any form, you accept all the terms of the Agreement in full without any exceptions, restrictions, or reservations on your part.

4.1.3. You are an able-bodied person who is at least eighteen years old and has reached the age required to use the platform, and have the right to enter into the Agreement.

4.1.4. You agree that the Agreement may be changed without any special notice. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted or from the link to the site where it is posted on the information platform.

4.2. Services and free content:

4.2.1. The amount of services available to you depends on the purchased product (service package). If you use the platform to access materials available in open sections of the website (and all subdomains) or in free webinars, intensives, master classes, you will receive only basic information on the topic of interest.

4.2.2. Paid services:

4.2.3. If you purchase paid services, you get access to more content, materials, information, conclusions, as well as access to the platform’s paid content. You can purchase a separate product (service package) for a one-time fee. A detailed description of the offered content is provided before purchase on the platform automatically, and any additional information may be provided to the User if they contact support.

4.2.4. Please note: Some information posted on the platform has a structure similar to an educational course, but it is purely informational in nature, and if such content involves independent work and performing certain tasks (homework), this information should not be perceived as a call or requirement to perform any actions; the effectiveness of performing the described actions is the author’s evaluative judgment, not a guarantee of results by the author or the platform. All decisions on each issue are made by you independently, neither the platform nor the author of the informational material bears any responsibility for the effectiveness or inefficiency, benefit or harm, obtained as a result of familiarizing yourself with these materials and/or following the instructions, which are solely theoretical examples and evaluative judgments of the material’s author.

4.3. The cost of the content is published on the content ordering page on our website, as well as in the emails sent to you. The final cost of access to the informational materials in the payment currency is the monetary equivalent of the amount specified on the site in US dollars, displayed on the services payment page, and is recorded in the electronic invoice of the payment system and in your personal account within the system.

4.3.1. Please note: The cost of services does not include additional bank fees, payment system fees, or currency conversion.

5. User Registration and Account

5.1. To start using the platform, you must complete the registration procedure, resulting in the creation of a unique account.

5.2. For registration, you must provide accurate and complete information about yourself in the fields indicated on the registration form and keep this information up to date. The possibility of providing you with the platform’s services directly depends on the accuracy of the information provided.

5.3. If you provide false information or if there is reason to believe that the information you provided is incomplete or inaccurate, we have the right, at our discretion, to block or delete the User’s account and deny you the use of the platform to access any informational materials.

5.4. The confidential information you provide is stored and processed in accordance with the platform’s Privacy Policy.

5.5. We may set limitations and requirements for how the User chooses their username and password for the account to ensure the account’s security, e.g., your username and password must meet certain conditions like not containing certain symbols, consisting of at least eight characters, etc.

5.6. We are not responsible for the security and reliability of the username and password you choose to access your account.

5.7. All actions carried out using the platform through a certain account that identifies you are considered to have been performed by you personally, regardless of who actually gained control over the account, unless you have properly notified the platform administration of losing access to your account.

5.8. Your account may be deleted or temporarily blocked to ensure the security of personal data, as well as in the event of your violation of the conditions of the Agreement or the Privacy Policy.

6. Conditions for using the platform

6.1. We do not guarantee that access to the platform will be provided continuously, quickly, or without errors.

6.2. Since the platform is in a state of constant addition and updating, the form and nature of the functional capabilities provided by the platform, as well as the content provided, may change from time to time without prior notice to the User. The platform administration has the right, if necessary, at its own discretion, to terminate or limit (temporarily or permanently) the provision of access to the platform (or to certain functions/materials) to all Users generally or only to you, without prior notice, and also to block or delete your account, including in the event of your violation of the terms of the Agreement or other applicable legal documents posted on the platform.

6.3. If the User suffers losses due to the use of the platform, and guilt is established, such losses may be compensated in full, but not exceeding the amount of one minimum wage on the date of publication of the Agreement, in accordance with the current Civil Code of Ukraine.

6.4. If the User incurs losses due to the use of informational materials accessed via the platform, they are fully responsible for those losses and have no legal or factual grounds to claim compensation for losses from the author or platform.

6.5. You are prohibited from reproducing, repeating, and copying, selling, and reselling, as well as using the platform and/or informational materials accessed via the platform in any commercial purpose, in whole or in part.

6.6. You undertake not to distribute spam / information or messages that are offensive / discriminatory / inciting / fraudulent or contain pornographic content and to adhere to the norms of acceptable social communication.

6.7. In case of violation of the terms of the Agreement, your account may be blocked and deleted without the right to refund the cost of any paid informational materials you purchased before.

6.8. All purchases made via the platform are non-refundable and final.

6.9. You are prohibited from posting any materials in your profile / public comments / publications that may be interpreted as advertising or as offensive.

6.10. You are solely responsible for your actions using the platform that result in the violation of the rights and legitimate interests of third parties. You understand and agree that any of your interactions with other users through the platform, as well as any negative consequences associated with the use of the platform or the informational materials accessed through the platform, are the result of your voluntary but thoughtless actions. You are solely responsible for any losses you incur as a result of any investments, attempts to generate income, or attempts to follow the information obtained through the platform.

6.11. You are prohibited from using your account together with anyone else, as well as from creating multiple accounts.

6.12. If you discover an account with false personal data or belonging to a minor, you may report such an account to the platform administration.

6.13. You must not cause material or moral harm to other Users or the platform.

6.14. You are strictly prohibited from using the platform to obtain confidential information about other persons, as well as exploiting platform vulnerabilities to disrupt its operation or cause harm, or violate anyone’s rights.

6.15. You agree that the platform administration has the right, but is not obligated, to conduct a preliminary check of any type of content placed and/or transmitted by you to the platform or other users, and that the platform administration has the right to refuse the User in posting the content they provide or delete any content that is available via the platform. You acknowledge and agree that you must independently assess all risks associated with posting and distributing such content, including assessing its reliability, completeness, and usefulness.

6.16. You must comply with all conditions and rules you will be asked to review when placing an order or receiving paid informational materials offered on the website (and all subdomains). You agree that you will not engage in activities that violate the operation of the website (and all subdomains), its services, or related servers and networks.

6.17. You assume full responsibility for any violations of your obligations set out in the terms, as well as for all consequences of these violations.

6.18. The platform is not liable for any lost profits, reputational, or other risks that may arise from using the materials posted on the website (and all subdomains) or provided to the user when granting access to paid informational materials.

6.19. In addition, your content must also not violate the rights of third parties or contain advertisements. This applies to the property and non-property rights of third parties, including intellectual property rights (for example, copyright, trademark, and trade name rights). In particular, you are also obligated not to violate third-party rights when posting comments/reviews, profile photos, or any images you publish.

6.20. The content and materials that you post on our website (and all subdomains) or in chats while using the platform must not contain advertising.

6.21. We reserve the right at any time to remove or move any content you have posted if we believe it violates third-party rights or legal requirements. If you violate these content-posting guidelines, we have the right to send you a written warning and temporarily block your account and restrict/block access to paid and free informational materials, as well as to the entire platform, or to terminate the Agreement unilaterally.

6.22. If you violate the requirements of the Agreement, you must compensate us for all losses incurred in connection with satisfying third-party claims (whose rights you have violated). We reserve the right to bring claims against you for losses and other demands under the right of recourse.

6.23.1. The procedure for forming and concluding this Agreement depends on the informational material you choose and the payment method.

6.23.2. Registration on the website (and all subdomains), subscribing to newsletters, placing orders, and paying for informational materials on the website (entering your payment details) are not possible without your prior acceptance of the terms of this Agreement and our Privacy Policy (by checking the box 'I have read and accept the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy' in the relevant checkbox under the data collection form).

6.24. The moment the Agreement is concluded:

6.24.1. By visiting the website (and all subdomains) and using the free informational materials posted in the open sections of (and all subdomains), you conclude a License Agreement with us for using the content under the terms of this Agreement.

6.24.2. By registering for a free webinar or subscribing to a free email newsletter, you conclude a Service Agreement with us. In that case, the Agreement includes both general and special provisions of the Agreement.

6.24.3. In the event of purchasing paid informational materials, you conclude a Service Agreement with us at the moment you click the “Participate” or “Buy” button (or any other similar field). In that case, the Agreement includes both general and special provisions of the Agreement.

6.24.4. After the informational materials are provided/sent to you, the service is considered provided in full, except in cases where the informational materials are provided gradually. In such a case, the service is considered to be provided at the moment access to the last part of the informational materials is granted.

6.24.5. If payment for the order is made without using electronic payment acceptance systems, the Agreement with you is deemed concluded at the moment you pay the invoice (or electronic invoice) issued by us.

6.25. Correction of input errors:

6.25.1. When registering on our website (and all subdomains) or ordering services, you can interrupt the purchase process at any time and correct input errors before completing the registration or order process—i.e., before paying for services, tickets, or a subscription.

6.25.2. You can also always contact us and report any input errors and inaccuracies in your personal data via the contact details provided on the website.

6.26. Service provision periods:

6.26.1. One-time services:

6.26.2. Any one-time services/prepaid service packages purchased through the platform may be offered for a certain period (have a fixed duration of service provision). At the end of the period specified in the package description, access to the informational materials will end at the moment the specified service provision period finishes.

6.26.3. You understand and agree that we may, at our sole discretion, reschedule the date and time of classes (webinars and masterclasses), and this does not constitute a breach of the Agreement on our part.

6.27. Payment conditions:

6.27.1. If you purchase paid services on the website (and all subdomains), a one-time charge of the total cost of the ordered services will be made at the time you place the order (successfully entering payment details into the payment system’s frame).

6.27.2. We reserve the right to make claims regarding violation of the established payment deadlines. If funds cannot be debited from your payment card, we have the right to not start providing services or to suspend their provision until they are fully paid.

6.28. You can learn more about the available payment methods for our services on the website (and all subdomains).

6.28.1. If you pay for services via bank transfer, you must inform us about the payment you made and send an image of the documents confirming payment to the email address or phone number (in Telegram) specified on the website (and all subdomains).

6.28.2. By paying for services via bank transfer, you confirm your agreement to the terms of service.

6.28.3. If we incur Special fees or other expenses due to a payment being declined through your fault (for example, insufficient funds on the card; the allowable credit limit on the card has been exhausted), we reserve the right to additionally debit your card/account for the amount of the actual expenses incurred.

6.28.4. We reserve the right, at any time and at our sole discretion, to change the payment method for the purchased product and/or discontinue an earlier-offered payment method, providing an alternative payment method instead.

7. Refund Policy and Rescheduling of Services and Content Provision

7.1. Service cancellation policy:

7.1.1. After placing and paying for an order, you have the right to refuse to receive informational materials and request a refund before the start of training. You have the right to refuse the paid informational materials by notifying us of this within the established time limits.

7.1.2. The date on which we receive your refund request determines whether a refund is possible, as well as the amount of any deductions related to the refund.

7.1.3. You understand and agree that from the moment you receive access to the first informational material, a refund is no longer possible.

7.2. Cancellation policy for online informing:

7.2.1. You have the right to refuse online informing before it begins.

7.2.2. To receive a refund, contact us and submit a refund request in the prescribed manner.

7.2.3. To refuse services and request a refund, write to us at or contact our support service by phone, as indicated on the website. We will confirm receipt of the refund request by email, sent to the address provided when the order was placed.

7.2.4. To process a refund, you must provide us with: your full name, phone number, and email address used when placing the order; the name of the informational materials (course, service package); the date of the order; payment information; the reasons for refusing the materials; and any other necessary information. You understand that if you do not provide the required information, we reserve the right to refuse your refund and not consider your request.

7.3. Consequences of refusing informational materials:

7.3.1. If you submit a refund request within the prescribed time, we will return your funds within 30 (thirty) days from the date we receive the request.

7.3.2. We will use the same payment method you used for the original payment or transfer the refund amount to your Ukrainian bank card. We will deduct all additional bank and payment system fees related to processing the refund from the returned amount.

7.3.3. If you did not use the access to the informational materials (did not participate in the event, did not watch the sessions available to you) for reasons on your part, or if you refused to use the materials after the deadline or outside the established procedure, we will not refund the cost of those materials.

7.3.4. We expressly reserve the right to establish different cancellation rules for certain informational materials (author consultations, live events, webinars, intensives, etc.).

7.4. Rescheduling the provision of informational materials:

7.4.1. No later than 2 (two) months from the date of payment for the informational materials (the date of the first payment), you are entitled to request that the service dates be postponed to other calendar dates and to receive access to the informational materials during the next scheduled session (under conditions equivalent to the package you originally purchased). In that case, no refund is provided, and we will inform you of the new possible calendar dates for providing the informational materials. The service dates may only be postponed once.

7.4.2. To meet the established deadline, it is sufficient to notify us in the manner specified for submitting a refund request.

7.4.3. We expressly reserve the right to set different rules for rescheduling the service dates for certain products, by publishing additional rescheduling conditions on the product page.

7.5. If the services have been provided in full before the end of the withdrawal period (for example, you have already been granted access to all lessons and materials) and/or before the moment we receive the refund request, no refund will be given.

7.6. If we receive your refund request (service cancellation) after the set cancellation deadlines, no refund will be provided.

8. Exclusive rights to the content and platform materials

8.1. Depending on the informational materials you have purchased, you receive access to certain content (informational materials), whose copyright and related rights are protected or otherwise belong to us, regardless of registration or territorial scope.

8.2. We grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable right (a limited license) to use the content for personal purposes, under the terms of this Agreement, for the entire period in which access to the informational materials is provided, unless otherwise specified in special conditions.

8.3. All materials posted on the platform, as well as materials provided to you in the course of providing paid services (content), are objects of copyright, and the exclusive rights to use them belong to the platform.

8.4. The right to use the content and materials included on the website (and all subdomains) or obtained during the process of providing access to informational materials is limited to personal use; use in other cases is not permitted.

8.5. Copying, modifying, fully or partially using, publicly reproducing, and distributing materials posted on the website (and all subdomains), or materials provided to the user during access to paid informational materials, as well as using this content for commercial purposes without written permission from the rightsholder, is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.

8.6. If you purchase informational materials on behalf of an organization, you are granted a corporate license to use the content, and you may familiarize your organization’s employees with the purchased content.

8.7. The trademark and service mark, as well as the trade name '', belong to the platform.

8.8. You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, exchange, or resell informational materials for any purpose, unless the rightsholder has granted you the right to do so under a separate written agreement. You also agree not to use other intellectual property objects without our written consent.

8.9. Any violation of copyright and related rights is punishable under the laws of the country in which services are provided and by international law, and entails civil, administrative, and criminal liability.

9. Liability

9.1. In the event of either party violating obligations or providing false information when concluding or performing the transaction, the parties shall be held liable according to the established procedure.

9.2. We are liable for:

9.2.1. Violation of the terms and procedure of service provision;

9.3. We are not liable for:

9.3.1. Inability to provide services due to circumstances beyond our control, including force majeure, communication line failures, malfunction of equipment and software that do not belong to us;

9.3.2. Full or partial interruptions in service provision related to equipment/software replacement or other work needed to maintain and develop technical facilities (provided the user is notified in advance);

9.3.3. Breach of security of the equipment and software you use to receive services;

9.3.4. Loss of confidential information or part thereof, not through our fault;

9.3.5. Any losses of third parties caused not by our fault.

9.4. You are responsible for:

9.4.1. The accuracy and correctness of your registration and payment data provided during registration on the website (and all subdomains) or when placing an order;

9.4.2. Allowing third parties to use your login details, which are used to access the informational materials;

9.4.3. Using materials posted on the website (and all subdomains) or provided in the course of service provision with the intent to resell, distribute, or transfer them to third parties;

9.4.4. Disseminating false information about our company that harms our business reputation (slander). In the event of such a violation, we will be forced to use lawful means of protection and may hold you civilly, administratively, or criminally liable;

9.4.5. Violating the terms of the Agreement;

9.4.6. Violating payment terms;

9.4.7. Interfering with the operation of the website (and all subdomains) and available services or attempting to gain access to them in violation of our instructions.

9.5. Limitation of liability:

9.5.1. Our total liability for any claim or complaint is limited to the amount of the purchased service that was of inadequate quality or provided with a delay.

9.5.2. In the event we fail to meet the deadlines for granting access to informational materials, our liability is limited exclusively to extending the access period to the informational materials or providing them at new deadlines until we fully discharge our obligations.

9.6. Duration of the terms:

9.6.1. The terms remain in effect until they are amended or revoked by the platform.

9.6.2. Termination (revocation) of these terms will not affect any legal rights, obligations, or liability that applied to you and the Platform and arose before the termination of these terms.

9.6.3. The Agreement is deemed concluded for an indefinite period and remains in force until terminated by you or by us.

9.7. Discontinuation of platform use:

9.7.1. You have the right to stop using the website (and all subdomains) and the informational materials at any time. To stop using the paid informational materials, please notify us by contacting the user support service at one of the phone numbers listed on the website (and all subdomains).

9.7.2. Please note that once you refuse the informational materials (terminate the Agreement), you will lose access to all purchased content and any available services. If, at the time of termination, you still have access to purchased informational materials, any amount you paid for the platform will not be refunded, including any portion for materials you did not actually use.

9.7.3. We reserve the right to terminate the Agreement with you without stating any reason, subject to sending you a written notification.

9.7.4. We may terminate the Agreement with you at any time if:

9.7.5. You have violated any provision of the Agreement (or have taken actions that clearly indicate your refusal or inability to comply with the Agreement);

9.7.6. We are forced to do so due to legal requirements (for example, if providing services to you is illegal or ceases to be legal);

9.7.7. The platform ceases to provide informational materials in the country where you reside or use them;

9.7.8. Providing informational materials becomes unprofitable for the platform administration.

9.7.9. If you attempt to interfere with the operation of the website (and all subdomains), servers, or other automated platform systems, or commit a serious violation of the terms, or if we suspect you of doing so, we may suspend or completely block your access to the platform and the materials provided.

9.8. Unilateral refusal of the Agreement for valid reasons:

9.8.1. Each party has the right to withdraw from the Agreement unilaterally for valid reasons.

9.8.2. In particular, we have the right to cancel your account and terminate the Agreement immediately if you repeatedly or seriously violate the terms, as well as if there is any outstanding debt for payment.

10. Other conditions

10.1. The Agreement is a contract between the User and the platform administration, effective from the moment the User agrees to its terms in the manner specified in section 3 of this Agreement, and remains in effect as long as the platform is used.

10.2. The parties’ relationship is governed by the laws of Ukraine.

10.3. The platform administration may, at any time, request that you confirm the data provided during registration by submitting the necessary documents, especially those confirming your age.

10.4. Failure to comply with the terms of the Agreement, or providing documents that lead the administrator to question their authenticity, may be deemed the equivalent of providing false information.

10.5. If the data in the documents you provide do not match the data given during registration, or if the data specified during registration do not allow us to identify you, you may be denied access to your account and be prohibited from using the platform.

10.6. If, for any reason, one or more provisions of the Agreement are deemed invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.

10.7. We reserve the right to modify or supplement the text of this Agreement by posting a relevant notice and the new version of the Agreement on this page.

10.8. If we change the special provisions of the Agreement, we will post the new version of those conditions directly on the page describing the offered informational materials.

10.9. If you continue to use the informational materials or the platform after new terms take effect, the new version of the terms is considered accepted by you through your conclusive actions aimed at concluding the Agreement.

10.10. You understand and agree that using the informational materials after changes to the general or special terms are introduced constitutes your acceptance of those terms. If you object to the new version of the Agreement, we reserve the right to unilaterally withdraw from the Agreement in the prescribed manner.

10.11. The Agreement is a contract between you and the platform that governs the use of the platform to access informational materials (except for services provided under a separate written agreement, if any) and completely replaces all previous agreements and arrangements between you and the platform administration.

10.12. In the event of discrepancies between the special conditions and the general conditions, the provisions of the special conditions pertaining to the specific service take precedence.

10.13. If you have registered on the platform or placed an order to access paid informational materials using the platform, or if you use our services, you agree that we may send you written notices, promotional mailings, informational messages, and other materials via messaging apps or to the phone number and email address you provided during registration. In certain cases, you may choose to opt out of receiving them, if needed.

10.14. If you represent an organization (to avoid confusion, the term 'you' in these conditions, when referring to legal entities, means the organization), the individual who accepts the terms on behalf of your organization declares and guarantees that they are authorized to act on your behalf and has sufficient authority to accept these terms on your behalf.

10.15. Provisions of the current legislation on consumer rights protection concerning claims for improper service quality apply to the relationships that arise. Under any circumstances, the scope of consumer rights afforded to you by law cannot be reduced.

10.16. By purchasing paid services or using free content, you agree that you use the content at your own discretion and accept sole responsibility for doing so.

10.17. The cases and success stories provided on the website (and all subdomains) are shown as demonstrations of individual people’s results and are not a promise or guarantee that you will achieve the same results, even if you replicate the strategies and actions used by these individuals to achieve certain financial or other outcomes. By using these materials, you waive any lawsuits or other claims against us regarding the results you obtain while using the content made available through the platform.

10.18. You understand that if you disagree with the views of our mentors or with the methodology and content of the training programs, this does not constitute grounds for a refund.

10.19. Inaction by the platform administration in the event you violate the provisions of the Agreement does not prevent the platform administration from subsequently taking the necessary actions to protect its interests, nor does it constitute a waiver of the platform administration’s rights in the event of similar or analogous violations in the future.

10.20. This Agreement enters into force on September 1, 2021. The original text of the Agreement is in Russian and takes precedence over any translations of this document.


FOP Kurban-Magomedov A.М. (Private Entrepreneur Kurban-Magomedov A.M.)

Opened at JSC 'UNIVERSAL BANK' on 16.06.2021

Ukraine, Kyiv.